Episode 11

May 14, 2024


Episode 11: The Mental Load of Motherhood

Hosted by

Darisse Smith
Episode 11: The Mental Load of Motherhood
45 Left or Right Podcast
Episode 11: The Mental Load of Motherhood

May 14 2024 | 00:53:32


Show Notes

Mental Load. This has been a buzzword on social media, and in conversations between fellow Moms for a long time. But what is it? Darisse Smith asked her friends to provide audio clips of their mental loads, and this really illustrates the volume and variety of what Moms must manage daily, weekly, monthly, seasonally and yearly. Explore the 'Mental Load of Mothers' in the latest episode of the 45 Left to Right Podcast, where we dive into the invisible burdens of emotional labor and household management that mothers face daily. Featuring personal stories, expert insights, and research, our discussion sheds light on the challenges of multitasking, planning, and emotional well-being in motherhood. This episode is not a bashing of men, or of the typical relationship partner, but rather just an illumination of what women, and Moms do for their families, generally without any regard for their own needs. This episode emphasizes the importance of shared family responsibilities and seeks to foster appreciation for mothers' multifaceted roles. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the mental load in modern parenting. We are in the throes of Maycember, so throw on this podcast to listen to while waiting on the kids in the pick-up/drop-off line, or to and from their activities. 


#MentalLoadOfMothers #ParentingChallenges #EmotionalLabor #MotherhoodUnveiled #FamilyResponsibilities #ModernParenting #InvisibleBurden #MotherhoodSupport #SharedParenting #45LeftToRightPodcast #MomLifeBalance #ParentingInsights #Maycember

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Episode Transcript

mental load, mothers, parenting, stress, family management, multitasking, emotional labor, domestic responsibilities, speech therapy, Maycember, army helicopter training, Devin, life balance

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